My English essay is done, and it's only 15 minutes past midnight!
Here is James Franco!

Oh, James Franco! Sit with me in the library! Wear combat boots for me! Gesticulate animatedly at me!

Hmm. I don't know what's in your mouth, but I don't really care. Tousled hair! That look! That face! It's the look of someone sitting next to a girl drinking soda when perfectly good chocolate milk is available!

JAMES FRANCO: I have a lollipop. You can type lollipop using only the right-hand side of your keyboard. I am either on the verge of laughing or threatening you.

JAMES FRANCO: I am definitely threatening you with a lollipop. Or looking conspiratorial.

James Franco is looking away from Kirsten Dunst because her hair clashes so violently with her dress that he has been temporarily blinded.

Studious!JamesFranco. SlightlyJaded!JamesFranco


Life Is Unfair In Its Distribution Of Beautiful Cheekbones!James Franco
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