
Above, tacky purple mock turtleneck: mother's. Blue tank top peeking out: Old Navy. Skirt: made by me as costume for Peaseblossom in
A Midsummer Night's Dream for my UCLA application portfolio. Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: my childhood.

Above, with my yellow Fafi for Adidas (though I was too lazy to retie the shoelaces).

Above, plaid shirt: friend's from some Taiwanese children's clothing brand, gift. Blue Spiderman t-shirt: Mervyn's. Pink longsleeve: Target. Black pleated skirt: made by my grandmother. Leggings: H&M. Socks: H&M.

Above, once more, with plaid Keds.

Above, my cheesy hair. I like having short hair because I think it frames my face better, but it's also a pain to tie it up and have little bits fall out of the elastic. So I tied my hair to one side. I looked so late eighties.

Above, chicken hair tie: childhood.

Above, the Spider-Man t-shirt. The black bits are velveteen-y.

Above and below, my well-loved Keds.

And here is a closeup of my leggings, which I have done a closeup of before, but I like the print so much I did it again.
Above, dress: macy's children's section. Green longsleeve sticking out: JC Penney. Black cardigan: no idea. Belt: necktie from laundromat. Tights: drugstore.

Above, + kicks. My yellow Fafi for Adidas.

Above, the tie as belt, which was really frustrating to tie, especially because people kept pulling on the ends all day and untying it.

Above, red bandana: dollar store. T-shirt: Secrets of Mensa, Threadless. Green longsleeve: Target. Highwater denim: delia's (can't really see the length, but it hits right at the ankle). Striped socks you can barely see: gift. White canvas shoes: Payless. Indeed, I am wearing white canvas shoes, but they're covered in wet sand. Which is why I'm wearing plastic bags in this picture. Because my APES class went sandcrabbing today. The water was unbelievably cold, but at least there were a lot of sandcrabs. Hurray dissection!

Above, what I changed into after taking a hot shower. Sweaterdress: H&M. Light blue longsleeve: Old Navy, gift. Bandana: dollar store. Stirrup leggings: delia's.
I went to the (first ever) Esprit warehouse/clearance sale or whatever at Fort Mason today (Friday/Fredag, and all the Swedish is for TK, who probably will never read this) with my mother. It was fun. And it's true! At sample sales, some of the items
do have "SAMPLE" written on them and some of them
do have fabric swatches attached to them like my fashion design teacher from summer school told me. I don't want to list the booty without photos, but I'm never going to take photos, so I guess I'll just wait until they pop up in outfits as Esprit Sample Sale items. :D Going to a sample sale is kind of like thrifting in that if you don't grab it the first time around, you'll probably never see it again.
And now I must read
King Lear some more.
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