Seriously, go check
Wendy out. I stumbled across her blog yesterday. She goes to the same school as I do, and when I was looking at her pictures, I kept thinking,
Why haven't I seen her around at all before?I saw her today. Hi, Wendy! I'm the girl who was sitting in the hallway playing with my friend's Nunchucks (the plastic nun figurine launcher, not the real kind)! I like your boots! /stalk
Tomorrow is the Calc AB test (I am too bad at math for BC. So shoot me.) I took the advice of my APUSH teacher from last year and had turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner. Mmm, sleepy.
I have the songs from Jersey Boys stuck in my head.
And here are pictures.

Above, khaki trench parka thing: Target. Waist tie: found it in the closet. Purple longsleeve: Old Navy. T-shirt you can barely see: Napoleon in War Paint, Threadless. Skirt: used to be a t-shirt and a wide elastic, badly sewn by me. Slip: grandma's. Tights: generic.

Above, one of those outfits that make me go "What the hell am I wearing?" White blouse: mother's. Belt: from a dress from Goodwill. Yellow tee: She Doesn't Even Realize, Threadless. Pink longsleeve: Target. Brown corduroy skinnies: delia's. Socks: gift.

Above, worn for our Color Wars rally (a Spirit Week kind of thing... except now they call it Class Clash so as to remove any racial connotations). The theme of the day was "middle school." See the strategic placement of my hand to cover the school name? Catholic school, K through 8. Fail. Sweatshirt, skirt, polo you can't see: uniform. Tights: generic.

Above, the bracelets I used to wear every day with my uniform, because I needed some kind of individuality, even if I was the only one who knew it was there. Wrist to forearm: all made by me, the last two are toothbrushes (oh, middle school).

Above, wrist to forearm. Jelly bracelets: Claire's. Those funny candy-like bracelets that are probably just colored plastic balls in PVC tubing: Claire's.

Above, the theme of the day was
skanky short shorts crazy hair, but I didn't feel up to it. Vest: H&M. Black dress shirt: Ann Taylor Loft. Green t-shirt: mom's, Old Navy. Satin shorts: Nordstrom Rack. Stirrup leggings: delia's. Socks: Target.

Above, copying
Susie Bubble,
but more skanky, wearing the senior color, red. See my Ohlone t-shirt, strategically cut off so you can't see the school name? T-shirt: American Apparel from customink. Longsleeve: BP Nordstrom. Short shorts: wetseal. Teal tights: Nordstrom Hue. Silver tights: Nordstrom something else.

Above, SHINY. But I got a huge run in my tights. Damn sheer tights. But they looked good for about 3 hours. Mmmm.
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