- That the cashier at the Esprit sample sale was about to ring up our sweaters as $14.99 each (the price for all sweaters there) but said, "Let's charge these as blouses!" and rang them up as $12.99 each
- That all I have left to do for APES is write a letter... and writing is good.
- Smiling
- That I just finished reading On Chesil Beach
- The math test I took this morning because the last question was worth half the test and was a logic question, involving the phrase "If you are Mr. Chan, then you are sexy" and "If you are not sexy, then you are not Mr. Chan."
- My realization that this summer, I can read whatever I want, which means I can finally go back to Lolita, which I have wanted to read for years (which seems kind of mentally unhealthy considering I'm seventeen and I heard of it when I was about ten)
- That my drama group's senior-directed play went really well today. (We did the first two scenes of Baby with the Bathwater by Christopher Durang. Let's just say it involved condoms, the Lion King, and Madonna and leave it at that.)
- Things Mr. Spellicy says that put life in perspective. Like (possibly paraphrased) "Did you ever for a moment think that you might not go to college? Did you ever doubt that you were going to college?" and "The people I met in ninth grade who became my friends - they are still my friends. Not my friends in college, the people I met in high school when I was going through a lot of difficult things." I wish all teachers would leave us their words of wisdom, or whatever. I appreciate it.
- That the majority of the photographs on the Photography page of our yearbook were taken by my friend, and that one of those photos is of my foot, when I was trying on electric blue high heels at WetSeal.
- That I don't have school tomorrow.
Things I Love Fredag
ala Gala's Things I Love Thursday

things i love
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