So I went to Crossroads Trading Co. for the first time last Friday. Usually I don't go in there because I've always thought of it as too hip, too hipster, too expensive to qualify as thrifting. But I was with my mom looking for prom stuff, and we passed by, and she wanted to look, so I said why not. I found, like, 4 potential prom-type dresses, but none of them fit. This next dress was in the Not For Prom But Looks Ridiculous So I Want To Try It On pile. And it fit. It was around $17.

Above, dress: Lilli Diamond at Crossroads (vintage).

Above, the neck. Note that there's a lining under the lace. My skin isn't that color at all, haha.

Above, the brand/label I've never heard of.
I am a happy camper. While at $17, this dress is indeed (in my opinion) too expensive to qualify as thrifting, I think it was worth it. Now all I have to do is figure out what shoes to wear.
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