Last week was a pants week, executed under my logic that the week before prom I must look as unglamorous as possible (but with some dignity) in order to emphasize the contrast of my (g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, thank you Fergie) look at prom. Or something like that. Excluding Sunday, because Sunday was shopping with my hipster friend, so I tried to look like a pseudo-hipster.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Above, went last-minute prom shopping downtown with/for Gordon, my hipster friend of
Hypsterism. Left prematurely with a huge headache. Bandana: Chinese dollar store. Light denim shirt: grandmother's. The t-shirt underneath you can barely see: Cirque du Soleil's Varekai. Floral belt: Goodwill, off a dress. Short shorts: WetSeal. Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: my childhood?
Monday, 19 May 2008

Above, my head was very, very cold. Hat: Xpose in the Haight. Longsleeve: Kohl's. Sweatervest: knit by my mother. Brown tank top sticking out: the Haight. Jeans: Levi's from Costco, baby. Socks: New York & Co, gift.

Above, the hat has a little knobbly thing on the end. I like it. I feel like a house-elf.

Above, hat texture.

Above, sweatervest texture.

Recently my hair has just gotten long enough to do this funny upward flip in the back. Like a joyous dolphin. Or something. As evidenced by the above picture which has been pixelated to a sad death by blogger's resizing.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Above, it's been a long time since I've worn any jewelry. Plaid button-down: grandmother's. Longsleeve underneath: Macy's, gift. Skinny black pants: Gap, gift. Socks: gift. Necklaces: see below.

Above, from top to bottom: necklace from tourist-y shop in Hawaii; key necklace made from a chain from a craft store and a garden key from a garage sale, painted with clear nail polish; sco(red) necklace, my brother's, bought when he worked at the Gap. I traded my Captain Jack Sparrow doll from McDonald's for his necklace. He wanted it for his car, and I wanted it to look tough. And, y'know, menacing.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Above, sweater: mother's. Dress: aunt's, vintage I guess because she was going to give it away. Skinny brown cords: delia's. Socks: H&M.

Above, sweater texture. I do love me some knitwear. It's kind of a grayish green, not that this picture shows it very well.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Above, jumper thing: Bloom. Black hoodie thing: ellemenno, gift. Neck bow tie thing: found in closet. Jeans: Levi's 504 slouch straight. Socks: Target.

Above, jumper closeup. Is it really a jumper? I don't know.
Friday, 23 May 2008

Above, my head was very cold again. It was Kermesse, our school's international food festival type of thing. I had breakfast at a diner. Yum. Hat: Xpose in the Haight. Sweatervest: Old Navy, gift. Green longsleeve: Target. Electric guitar print t-shirt underneath: pajama top from Mervyn's. Jeans cuffed to awkward geeky length: delia's. Socks: gift.

Above, fur on the hood. It looks kind of wet-dog-fur-colored to me. I actually hate this type of garment because to me it screams "I AM A SNOW BUNNY LOOK HOW CUTE I AM HOP HOP TEEHEE GIGGLESNORT" but I wear it because it's warm, it was a gift, and other people like it.

Above, the sweatervest. I love how dark the gray shows up in this picture. Even though it's not this dark. Poo.
And that is all. Senioritis is an amazing affliction. It makes me giggle. And get nothing done.
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