- this ridiculous, warm, sunny weather we're having
- AP testing: peeling stickers out of the student packs and sticking them on the answer sheets, and the knowledge that after this, the serious stuff is over
- drinking water
- choosing color schemes for prom dresses/tuxes, especially for my friends who'd rather coordinate than match each other
- Bo Burnham for being terribly, terribly offensive in a hilarious, equal opportunity way
- how senior year has deteriorated my friends' and my English skills to the point that we say things like "I bet his entire friends were like..."
- that three of my APs are done
- Mexican Wedding Cookies/Russian Tea Cakes
- sssssttttttrrrrreeeeetttttccchhiiiinnnngggg
- the fact that I actively read my APES book, which means that reviewing was very easy because everything came back very quickly
- fortune cookies
- pens with lots of ink
Things I Love Tuesday
a la Gala's Things I Love Thursday

things i love
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