...and gratuitous texture photos.
Mother's Day is for stripey continuity. Big stripes, little stripes, stripes as big as your head! Or not:

Above, v-neck sweater: Banana Republic. Micro-striped shirt underneath: mother's.

Above, jeans: l.e.i. maybe? Socks: Costco. Legwarmers: some HK-type store

Above, Harry Potter t-shirt: Hot Topic. Pink longsleeve: Target. Scarf: grandmother's. Orangey tank top peeking out: the Haight. Denim: delia's. Socks: gift, NY&C.

Above, as usual I am inappropriately dressed for the weather (distressingly sunny). However, I feel justified in wearing a turtleneck on a hot day because it was the day of the APES exam, which we took in
a dungeon the ROTC room, which is freezing. Turtleneck: Banana Republic, mother's. Dark brown corduroy skinnies: delia's. Knee socks: H&M.

Above, corduroy. Makes me think of agriculture.

Above, sweater.

Above, my hair. I didn't think it would hold curls at all, so I had my mom put my whole head in curlers. I underestimated the curlability of short hair.

Above, white dress shirt: probably my brother's, maybe Alfani. Short shorts: Nordstrom Rack. Tights: Nordstrom.

Above, short shorts with flash (the camera kind).

Above, white dress shirt texture.

Above, texture of the t-shirt I'm wearing that you can't see (Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends, Threadless).

Above, tights texture.

Above, sickeningly precious hair clip from a dollar store (to match my tights in a sickeningly precious way), plus my impossible hair.

Above, more hair because I like flash.

Above, wore this to school with ridiculous 4-inch heels from Payless (although it's really only 3.5-inch because the first half inch is platform) because I bought the jeans for heels and because it was the Econ exam. Ridiculously hot day. Button-down shirt: Old Navy. Neck thing: grandmother's/found it in the closet. Jeans: l.e.i.

Above, how I considered wearing it, with the shirt tucked in, but I reminded myself too much of this girl who has a striped blue button-down and wears it tucked into her dark jeans. (In a I Don't Want To Bite Off Her Because She Is Awesome And Owns It way.)

Above, what I changed into to go downtown and eat at Naan and Curry because my feet were going to kill me from walking around too much. Green jeans: Target. Socks: HotSox.

Above, I like to think that I'm always ready for an impromptu game of strip poker because I wear too many layers. Orange tank top: Kohl's.

Above, self-explanatory. I dropped the little wand/applicator thing from a bottle of lip gloss/stain. Or liquid lipstick. Or whatever.

Above, the neck tie scarf thing. Trippy, isn't it?

Above, outfit for Great America field trip. It was ridiculously hot. My math teacher threw multiple handfuls of water at me and my friends while we were on a log ride because the big drop didn't get us satisfactorily wet to cool us off (it was
ridiculously hot). Cardigan: delia's. T-shirt: some volunteer event t-shirt, from my friend, and it says "glide pride" as in the floss. Shorts: no idea, but does Childhood count for where I got them from? Leggings: DKNY. Socks: dollar store.

Above, I looked really childish that day, actually. Not as childish as my math teacher, who is 30 (?) but was guessed to be 21 by those age-guessing people at Great America (last year he was guessed as 17, and 16 the year before that). My hair was in pigtails.
Lopsided pigtails. I looked really insane. Not to mention I was holding this bag:

Above, I mentioned that I wanted a bowling bag to my friends once, as in the kind you can fit bowling balls and shoes into, to use as an everyday kind of bag. My friend must've misunderstood because for my birthday she bought me a... well technically it still is a bowling bag. I had pigtails. And I was holding a little pink bowling bag.

Above, isn't it ridiculous? It's got little gold legs on the bottom.

Above, the brilliance that is the delia's cardigan. It has freaking
dollar signs printed on it. And thematically appropriate buttons! What's not to love?

Above, wore this to go watch some student-written plays performed. (Haha.
Sexy Knees was really funny. And now I have "Too Sexy" stuck in my head.) Jacket/windbreaker thing: mother's. Pink on the very inside: United Colors of Benetton. Blue tank top: Old Navy. Bag: gift. Green jeans: Target. Socks: Target. Worn with heels.

sans jacket or
why I am always ready for strip poker.
Okay that was obnoxiously long.
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