I have to say these pictures turned out better than my F--- Yeah, San Francisco attempts. Anyway, here's Berkeley (and a piece of Emeryville, I think).
F--- Yeah, City
As part of my I Am Going To Like Berkeley efforts, I stuck my camera out the window on the drive home to capture the city of Berkeley...
I have to say these pictures turned out better than my F--- Yeah, San Francisco attempts. Anyway, here's Berkeley (and a piece of Emeryville, I think).

And here are my sad attempts at F--- Yeah, San Francisco.

As a result of sticking my camera out the window while on the Bay Bridge, my camera lens got misaligned (or something). Thank goodness for online forums with useful advice like "knock your camera repeatedly on a hard surface." (It worked.)
For better examples of city/school pride, check out F--- Yeah, San Francisco and Berkeley Fail (or AnonCon, which is sort of fascinating in a horrible way... like TFLN. Excerpt: "as soon as i finish this paper, i'm calling you up and promptly turning in my v-card").
I have to say these pictures turned out better than my F--- Yeah, San Francisco attempts. Anyway, here's Berkeley (and a piece of Emeryville, I think).

photo dump,
sam's school of life
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