Mabye it's because I secretly fear them... especially the pants.
put it away
Definitely having a What The Hell Am I Wearing moment in this outfit, but I do love this sweater dearly. Alas, the proportions are so wrong here:
Above, sweater: mother's. Cal t-shirt: Cal Student Store. Cargo shorts: hand-me-down Old Navy. Black nylon leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: gift. White canvas shoes: Payless.

Speaking of proportions, I should really get a long skirt a la yellow to try the silhouette out. I also don't actually have any high-waisted skirts. Or pants with legs wider than straight-leg. Or an actual waistless shift dress.
Mabye it's because I secretly fear them... especially the pants.
Mabye it's because I secretly fear them... especially the pants.

what the hell am i wearing
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