tales of unremarkable
My unremarkable Friday outfit because inbetween weather has always confused me.
Above, Pigfarts t-shirt: Target + DIY silkscreen. Plaid shirt: secondhand, gift. Gray cardigan: Uniqlo. Whole Foods bag: Whole Foods, gift. Teal tank top: Haight somewhere. Green jeans: Target. Sushi socks: Hot Sox. Plaid shoes: Keds.
Looking at my awkward chunks of hair, honestly, I don't know how people ever wait for a pixie to grow out. My hair is so awkward right now. And I didn't even go full pixie. It's going to be another four months or so before the hair by my ears gets down to my chin, when I can finally bob it. Still, at least I've had the experience of having short hair now.
This outfit garnered one "OH!" of recognition from Danielle about Pigfarts and one comment on being leprechaun-tastic. Touche, Benjamin (of the leprechaun shorts).
(I don't know why my wardrobe has so much green and blue. It just happened.)
So I was having trouble figuring out how to stop my cardigan and plaid shirt from flapping about uselessly and shapelessly in the breeze and had the genius idea of buttoning them together, which worked flawlessly because it's a women's cardigan and a boy's shirt (so the buttons/buttonholes are on opposite sides).

Yes... Yes, I am aware that I'm a genius.

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