Things that made me want to romance the world in September:
- that my brother texted me "man its september and im skipping this town" (from A Very Potter Musical) to which I replied "man the hogwarts term started on the first" to which he replied "i know. i missed the train"
- these petite Mafia girls who are the kindest
- the philosophy our theater instructor Chris is giving us about acting, because I am so tired of watching crap and he has pinpointed the very reason why it's become accepted as the standard for actors
- being in the bowels of Zellerbach
- Vivian's cooking

- eons' worth of Connie
- BART, Forever21, and my mother
- buying groceries and cooking at Tony's apartment in an attempt to be domestic
- My professor for replying to my email with "RIGHT!" either in imitation or equal excitement
- rediscovering the feverish joy that is Fashion Week
- extremely blond Benjamin, for grabbing a chair for me and for being charming overall
- Bryan and Shiva for lending us their manpower, and Paul, from whom we obtained our couch and who has "yoga muscles" and a cute as hell friend
- sitting on a couch on the sidewalk waiting for Bryan and Shiva and their manliness to come carry our couch to our apartment
- Shiva's machete and his decadent sheets
- Corliss, who doesn't like Coco Rocha as a model, for visiting and commenting on the wall above my bed with approval, "I see you have significantly reduced the amount of Coco on your wall"

- my brother and all my cousins
- my mother who is amaaaazing and planned me a gastronomically outstanding pre-birthday dinner, complete with Thai tea, sticky rice, at least four types of curry, and Swedish princess cake
- ruining family photos with my cousins
- "Don't Stop Believin" from Glee
I haven't actually started watching Glee yet, but I plan on it. How could I not when Lea Michele (who played Wendla in the original production of Spring Awakening) is in it? And when I feel like I spend half my life looking like a toy next to huge people just like she does? She is after my heart.- coffee for the first (!) time
- playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on glass cups
- Thai food at Cha Am on Folsom
- that my scene partner Maddalynn is so easy to get along with
- using coupons to buy things
- being able to say "I'm going to rehearsal"
- the lady on the bus who was also wearing bright pink-red lipstick because we totally understood each other
- eating sandwiches out of Tupperwares with Kim while in line to switch our internet service
- the recently purchased perfect (though unforgiving) black dress with lace neckline and sleeves from H&M
- the recently purchased huge gray scarf from H&M
- baby shampoo
- showering by flashlight
- Andy Mientus's excellent taste in music
- playing with capsules of fake blood to figure what would look best for our scene from George Walker's Problem Child
- Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese noodles with Ragu sauce for dinner
- what a difference it makes when actors stop trying to Feel It and instead find Realism in little actions and ways of delivering lines. Everyone in my class is full of flashes of brilliance. Especially Kevin, although I'm pretty sure he's just all brilliant, all the time.
- MEN. Without further ado, I give you September's Lookers, starting with repeat offender Ash Stymest, who is one of perhaps three tattooed men I would ever give a second glance (the other two being Cole Mohr and Luke Worrall, although I am open to suggestions), and who knows how to work a cigarette:

Two random pictures of a collarbone and a boy with beautiful hair:

Darren Criss, who plays Harry Potter in
A Very Potter Musical and is also, uh, kind of insanely talented and can be found on
myspace with a song called "Sami" (which automatically gets brownie points from me) among others, and is from San Francisco (!), and OH he's cute too.

An awkward collection of the
Harry Potter stars through the years. It makes me feel like a pedo, but I aged exactly in time with them, so it's okay, right?

Rupert Grint being adorable. Note that as one commenter on the original source of the above image put it, Rupert never went through an awkward phase.

And Tom Felton. Who blew my mind as Draco Malfoy in the sixth movie and who blows my mind in the last picture. I wonder what the rest of the shoot looks like even though he looks like a zombie.

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